Symbiosis is a project dedicated to uncovering the most exciting things going on in new music in 2012.
8 passionate proponents of new music, Supernormal included, have been asked to nominate their favourite unsigned artists. Monthly heats will be held at the Urban Bar in Whitechapel from March until June. The top act from each night will play together at a final in July.
The overall winner will be offered a free recording session at Cafe Music Studios, free PR from CogDiss and, of course, a slot at Supernormal 2012.
Batting for Supernormal are:
Fat Bicth
Fat Bicth (think of talking about large pens with a lisp) describe themselves as party rock. Superficially, they’re something like Trumans Water/ I’m Being Good/ ole’ timey skronk (thrown into a blender/ on acid/ from space/ [>goto: trite/ clichéd comparison]). More realistically, it’s a bit like a melting plastic Iron Maiden (the band and the torture device) thrown into cider-soused spring break parties and made to dance like penguins. But refusing. And I can’t put it more clearly than that.
Rapesbladder is probably not right in the head. I’ll tell you one thing, if he was 4, and I was teaching kids, I wouldn’t even give him the play scissors. For a variety of reasons (/mercies), that isn’t the case. There was once an interview with Saint John Peel where he said “I like the idea of Intelligent Dance Music, because it presupposes the existence of stupid dance music”. Rapesbladder might be that. He’s certainly out to make your head feel like you’ve not really got to grips with life and reminding me that fuckstep was a GOOD IDEA.
Mothers of The Third Reich
It’s sort of like metal, except metal kind of failed to make a sound that made you feel like your skin was being peeled away by pointy cockroaches (at least since black metal, circa ’95). They’re definitely a duo, it may well be improvised and it sure as shit sounds improbably like a post-fatal bus accident Sun Ra in a mood to break kittens. The best band you’ve not heard of because you’re too lazy and prioritise things like breathing over listening to Mothers of the third Reich.
You can find a complete list of nominated acts on the Symbiosis website.